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DIY No. 2 Pencil Mason Jar Pencil Holder

This DIY No. 2 Pencil Mason Jar Pencil Holder is the perfect back-to-school craft. Get the tutorial on back to school season is pretty weird. It’s the first one since I’ve known Pete that he isn’t preparing to go back. When we met, he was working as a counselor at a school and we moved to North Carolina because he got a job in the school here. But this year, I’m over here making a DIY Mason Jar Pencil Holder because it’s the perfect back to school craft, and Pete is over at his new carpentry job. In years past, this craft would be something I would give to Pete to put on his desk. But not this year. Maybe I’ll just put it on his desk at home. If you have a kid (or spouse) going back to school, this is a simple and cute craft to send him or her back to school with.

DIY No. 2 Pencil Mason Jar Pencil Holder

This DIY No. 2 Pencil Mason Jar Pencil Holder is the perfect back-to-school craft. Get the tutorial on What You’ll Need: What You’ll Do: Wash and dry the inside your mason jar. This DIY No. 2 Pencil Mason Jar Pencil Holder is the perfect back-to-school craft. Get the tutorial on Pour a few drops of yellow paint into the jar. A little goes a long way. Now, you have two options here. One, you could use a foam brush to paint the inside or two, carefully swirl the paint around and let gravity paint the inside. I didn’t want to deal with brush marks, so I used method number two. Trust me when I tell you this requires patience. Your natural inclination will be to pour in half the container of paint and give the mason jar a quick swirl. Don’t do that. You will end up wasting so much paint and it will take forever to dry. This DIY No. 2 Pencil Mason Jar Pencil Holder is the perfect back-to-school craft. Get the tutorial on So add a few drops, swirl them around until it dries, add a few more drops, on and on. This DIY No. 2 Pencil Mason Jar Pencil Holder is the perfect back-to-school craft. Get the tutorial on Let that dry upside down until all the excess paint has dripped off (about 12 hours, give or take). Let it dry right side up, overnight, outside. This DIY No. 2 Pencil Mason Jar Pencil Holder is the perfect back-to-school craft. Get the tutorial on When that’s dry, paint “No. 2” on the outside in black paint. It’s so much easier for me to paint tiny letters and numbers with a toothpick rather than a paintbrush. If you’re worried about it chipping, you can seal it with a layer of Mod Podge, but it doesn’t actually need it. This DIY No. 2 Pencil Mason Jar Pencil Holder is the perfect back-to-school craft. Get the tutorial on Paint the metal screw band with the pink paint. You may need a couple layers to get it to your desired color. If that’s the case, just make sure to let it dry completely between layers. If you pick a glossy paint, it will shine like the jar does. Twist the band back on and fill your pencil holder with No. 2 pencils.

More Mason Jar Crafts:

If you buy a case of mason jars to make this craft, and you have some left over, you can use them to make some of our other mason jar crafts.

Want more back to school crafts?

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Saturday 24th of August 2019

That's a really sweet idea, perfect for back to school , It'll be one of the features at Handmade Monday tomorrow :-)


Tuesday 20th of August 2019

I love this idea and will definitely make a few for my classroom!

Julie Briones

Monday 19th of August 2019

Such a cute idea!


Thursday 15th of August 2019

This is adorable!

Tea With Jennifer

Wednesday 14th of August 2019

What a great idea! I love the emojis too!