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Give The Gift Of Confidence This Holiday Season

What do you give the person who has everything? Confidence. Do that with the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System.

For more gift ideas, check out all of our gift guides.

What do you give the person who has everything? Confidence. You can do that with the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System.

It’s the holiday season, which means you’re probably making a list and checking it twice to make sure you bought a gift for every member of your family and friends. Sometimes, you want to give experiences (like the year we treated Lisa’s parents to a trip in Mexico), sometimes you want to give food (we always love home baked goods), and sometimes you want to give your time (via volunteering).

This year, give your recipient the gift of confidence with iRestore.

When I first heard about the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System, I was intrigued. I read about it in Popular Science magazine and thought it was just the help I needed.

For a while, I had a bald spot that was hurting my confidence. I was sure to never let anyone take photos of the back of my head, and I stopped cutting my hair short (much to Lisa’s dismay).

Hair loss can definitely be embarrassing. Take control of the situation with the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System. Get an honest iRestore review AND how to get $150 off at

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When we first received the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System, I was instantly filled with hope. I was excited to try the system and gain back my confidence that I had lost — and to gain back the hair I had lost too.

So imagine Christmas morning, when your recipient opens the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System. They’ll open the box and be super excited — just like a kid opening a bike on Christmas morning.

And just like it takes time to master riding that bike, it will take time to see results from the iRestore.

I’m happy to say that this month, month nine, I’m actually seeing some improvement. My bald spot is actually the smallest its been since I started. If you remember, I had a lot of shedding of old hairs during the process so far. Shedding is actually something that most people don’t know about, and something I didn’t know before starting with the iRestore Laser Hair Growth system. If you’ve been following on my journey with iRestore, you heard me reference hair shedding during each post since I started with iRestore. But if this is the first time you’re reading one of my posts, it may sound foreign to you. It is something that happens to most people. According to the iRestore website, during Months 1 and 2, “you may see shedding of weak and thin hairs. This is normal as thicker, stronger hairs replace them.”

This happened to me, so the bald spot actually grew at the beginning of this process, due to the hair shedding. This is the first month I can actually say it hasn’t.

Plus, the hair that has grown feels really healthy. It’s really soft and thick, especially compared to the hair that was in that area previously.

Check out these iRestore Laser Hair System results.

If you had been following my posts thus far, you will know that I have remained hopeful despite not seeing early results. Many users will see results much sooner than I did. But the moment Lisa let me know about the significant improvement, I was so excited. I could kind of tell from brushing my hair and touching my bald spot to apply the iRestore Anti-Hair Loss serum, but it was great to hear Lisa say it. When she did, I immediately texted my friend who I had told about the iRestore when I was reading Popular Science. He knew I had been using this, and this was the first time I was really enthusiastic to tell him about my results.

This Christmas, iRestore has given me the gift of confidence. Give that to your recipient. Right now, you can save $150 on the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System with the code DSD150. That’s our exclusive code. There are additional codes through the iRestore website, though: $250 off $750 with the code HOLIDAY250; $150 off $500 with the code HOLIDAY150; and free gummies with any device purchase.

You can purchase with confidence knowing there is a money-back guarantee. Try the laser system for six months, and if you don’t see desired results, you can send it back for a full refund.