My mom and I went to Wendy’s for lunch the other day (we got the bacon and blue burger, in case you’re wondering). The cashier offered us a cup for water and I took one. We sat down to eat the burger and I noticed a sign behind the register that said seniors get a free drink. I checked google and there was nothing about it online, so we asked the cashier on our way our.
She said that yes, Wendy’s gives free drinks to seniors. She said, she thinks, seniors are 55 and over. Then she asked if we wanted another cup of water for the road. We declined that one.
Sounds like there’s no exact age for this but you do have to ask the cashier for the drink. You won’t just get it automatically if you look old (which is nice, actually, if you are a senior).
Patrick Garrity
Sunday 8th of December 2019
I am 52 and was offered the free senior cup recently when i had not asked for it. I was not sure to be happy for the free drink, or sad that the twenty something representative thought I looked old! lol
drugstore diva lisa
Monday 9th of December 2019
Haha, my mom had a similar reaction when people started thinking she was a "senior." Now she just embraces the discounts!
george c
Thursday 26th of February 2015
generally you have to ask for a senior drink……some stores do not do it but it never hurts to ask……two people is two drinks,etc.
Julie Wood
Monday 23rd of February 2015
Really! I got a discount the other day for being a Senior and it was great! I will have to get a free drink next time I am in their!